06th-07th October 2018 | Unitech Golf & Country Club, Sector 96, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201305| info@noidaiteraturefestival.com | +91-8076785551
Jaya Misra
Jaya Misra is a writer, creative director and producer in the world of
television, films and documentaries. She has also nurtured projects on
sports, fashion and fiction. Deeply influenced by the works of Anais
Nin, Erica Jong, and Virginia Woolf, Jaya takes a keen interest in
issues pertaining to women’s rights. Jaya believes that Vatsyayana was
not a mere ascetic, but one of ancient India’s first feminists. Witty,
passionate, caustic and opinionated, Jaya often writes tongue-in-cheek
articles under a popular pseudonym. Kama: The Story of the Kama Sutra is
her debut novel.